Who Am I?

I'm just a fight kid in New York City. Just kidding. Im addicted to wattpad and rock music. Yup. I'm just one of those million readers and writers in Wattpad. And I'm like, "who cares?". Im still that sick kiddo who runs in streets full of zombies. That weird freak who makes fun out of paper strips. That psychopath who talks about ships like "Ace Craige be mine!". and that drama author who loves her readers more than anything. Yup. weird world for those OSUM people like me, my bruhs, and my osum coreaders. The truth is, I don't even know when I started this crazy stuffs. it just came popping and squishing right inside of my head saying, "Eiiii! letz dooo dizzzzz!" then boom! crazy me everywhere.

My imagination is kind of freaky. I remembered when I'm typing this "about me"section. Im imagining some fries and burgers (not to mention pizzas!) flying over my head. well, talk about food. Im a carrot monster. Definitely a carrot monster with some munchkins on my mouth and potato earphones plugged on my ears. imagine a carrot dancing. that's definitely me. Oh well, thanks for reading by the way. I hope you learned some crazy stuffs about me in this "Who am I?" section. Im Dairenei (stage name) by the way.

And if you're reading this, you're osum too. nyah! <3

credits go to Miss @izayoix for making a very awesome header. :)


We live in reality for centuries. it's time to escape in dreamland.

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